The Soroptimist Club of Ventura installed new Officers and Directors in June. The Incoming President, Ann Hewitt, thanked outgoing President Kay Armstrong for her service this past year. She welcomed the incoming Officers and Directors and expressed her appreciation for their willingness to serve. She announced a club theme for the year of “It starts with us!”
The installation of the new Officers and Directors was conducted by Sherry Cash, District 1 Director of the Camino Real Region of Soroptimist International. Officers and Directors include: Ann Hewitt as President, Sherri Tarpchinoff Bennett as President Elect, Shirley Lorraine as Vice President, and Kellye Patterson as Recording Secretary, Kay Armstrong as Corresponding Secretary, Pam Pecarich as Treasurer, Cyndi Damron and Sandra Masiel as Two-Year Directors, Cindy Daly and Trevor Summerlin as One-Year Directors – all of Ventura.
Soroptimist International is a part of the world’s largest classified service organization for executive and professional women. Headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, SI has more than 100,000 members in 1,500 clubs in 21 countries. In addition to supporting international projects, Soroptimist clubs accomplish their service goals based on individual community needs. The mission of the Soroptimist Club is to improve the lives of women and girls in their community and through out the world. For more information about Soroptimist of Ventura go to www.soroptimistventura.org. To find out how you can become a member, please call Sandra Masiel at (805) 278-3607 or email [email protected].